2 thoughts on “Which “Audience” Will God “Keep From the Tribulation” (Rev 3:10)?”

  1. the sun to govern your day the moon to govern your night.when did the sun or moon govern the year? when you add 5.25 days to gods 360 calender it comletely disrupts the seven year sabath so the earth doesnt get its rest at its apointed time.i beleive this is the results of baal[sun]worship.when the isrealites put baal in the temple that bares gods name they also added 5.25 days in keeping with baal worship wich completely obliterates the seven year sabath.this led to there captivity 70 years, a day for each year the land did not receave its sabath.the romans crusifide our lord, 70 years later they leveled our temple,made a pope vicar of god[as if]and gave the seat of baal/ mithras /apollo/ra to jesus thus [the times of the gentile began]why should it bother those false gods?does it honor christ to asossiate him with a pagan lie?no lie comes from the truth.easter ?are you kidden me? how do you say jesus and ishtar with the same breath? as if the 2 were the same.no .i think we should scrape the dirt off the foundation before we build.the sun does not govern my year nor the moon.360 as shown to noah thats what i beleve is a true calendar .even my own people use a lunar calendar wich has the same affect disrupting the seven year land sabath.that is why the earth is reeling the way it is today.why should the creator use a seen thing like the sun and moon as a refrance point to mark time .by faith not by sight.look in to it youl find that the solar year is not science but of pagan origen.may god help us understand and correct any errors i may have for i only want to walk in his truth.im trying to learn not so much teach

    • I don’t know what this has to do with the Revelation 3:10/Audience article. The Bible never teaches you reckon years by counting 360 days. That would never work, seasons would drift. This is why the calendar starts with the month of the Aviv (the ripened barley, accomplished by the warming of the Sun in the return of Spring). It does not start with the month of the “360 day count”. God uses what is seen because he is making it something that humans can follow and use.


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