2010 Biblical Holy Day Calendar

Nehemia Gordon has posted a tentative 2010 Biblical calendar (I’ve linked my own version because his calendar’s format in Google calendar is not concise). The final version will be available in early 2010 once the barley search observations are in (March 16-17, 2010).

For years, Nehemia Gordon has been the source for serious Bible adherents who want to know when the Feasts of YHWH from Leviticus 23 fall each year. Nehemia organizes new moon and aviv barley observations from Jerusalem where he lives to accomplish this. In doing so, he can provide an accurate alternative to the standard inaccurate Rabbinic calendar invented and used by Judaism. Those who follow the Bible directly know that the calendar of Judaism departs from Scripture in many ways.

He must update the calendar each year and also each month because, unlike the invented calendar, this calendar is based on observation of the agriculture and new (crescent) moons. To find out more on this important subject to understanding Bible prophecy and all the Bible properly, check out more Biblical calendar articles.

1 thought on “2010 Biblical Holy Day Calendar”

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