A Key to Repentance…From Comedian Louis CK?

Repentance: Why Do We Get Stuck?

Repentance is a nebulous word to modern ears. To repent literally means to turn. Specifically, to turn from your natural selfish inclinations to the way of God, the way of love and peace.

Of course, we tend to fail to act lovingly all the time. We all generally know what we should do in any situation, perhaps the opposite of our natural selfish instinct, but we don’t follow through. For example, the Bible is full of praise for giving generously to the poor or those in need.  As much as we all support that principle, in practice we tend encounter difficulties acting on it. We don’t know why, but we just can’t do it. Why is this and how do we change it? There is a way that I have been practicing that few seem to be aware or do. You probably will never get instruction on this in church, but you might just get a glimpse of it from a top comedian.

The Profound Insight

I certainly was surprised when I heard a comedian describe this key to repentance in a recent interview. Watch the short clip below. It’s profoundly insightful (as well as humorous) when he tells of pulling over and sitting with negative thoughts:

Did you catch the insight and how it relates to repentance? In his anecdote, he gave a powerful example of a habit we all have. When we have negative feelings or thoughts about ourselves, we try to ignore it or distract ourselves from it. In his case, it was sadness from being reminded that he is alone and may always be alone or even die alone. For believers trying to do the right thing, when we fail we likewise feel bad about ourselves. We may feel ashamed, hypocritical, ugly or guilty of not doing God’s will.

What most of have learned to do to handle these unpleasant feelings is to try to put them out of our minds. In our modern, connected world, it is incredibly easy to distract ourselves and not feel these thoughts. We can reach out to a friend through the phone like Louis CK did, or through social media like Facebook. We can go exercise or watch a movie or program on demand. We can eat some comfort food or get a drink or even take a pill like a Xanax. Any number of other pleasures are able to help us forget about how rotten we are.

How to Overcome Our Blockages

But what if we do what Louis CK did and actually get ignore our fear or discomfort and stop and look at ourselves in our moment of selfishness? Then we might actually be able to discover why we failed and fix it.

Going back to the example above where of not giving to someone in need, with a little repeated introspection we may discover that:

  • We hold some prejudices against giving to the poor from a upbringing showing us how to be hardworking and self-reliant (“if I can do it, why can’t they?”).
  • We think the poor get that way only because they are lazy or not working hard enough.
  • We assume that they otherwise must have brought the trouble on themselves or are even cursed by God and “deserve” it.
  • We may be coming from a scarcity mentality that makes it hard for us to give to others because we feel we won’t have enough for ourselves later.

Once we get to the root belief system(s) behind our negative actions, we can work on questioning and changing that false value or false belief and replacing it with the proper true or loving belief. It may take some doing and petitioning in our prayer closet, but in time we will find that our actions align more and more with truth and love.

If you make it a habit to examine the beliefs behind all your selfish or fearful ways, you will be on your way to being called an overcomer (Rev 21:7 KJV) and producing much fruit (John 15:5).


3 thoughts on “A Key to Repentance…From Comedian Louis CK?”

  1. Dear Christ believer,
    Great Tribulation is almost here. The spiritual and earthly plagues are coming! I am witness and have a testimony about the churches, her leaders and followers on earth.
    I am sending this message to all denomination and non-denomination Christ believing churches of Catholics, Christians, Mormons, Jehovah witnesses around the world Matt 25:6; Heb 11:7; Rev 11:3,7.
    I am witness to seeing the beast ascended out of the bottomless pit. The beast is in perdition even as you read this message. This perdition is 3.5 years Dan 7:25; Rev 12:6,14,17; Rev 13:5-6; Rev 17:8.
    I am witness thru the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit of truth in seeing image of beast, his mark, and the number of his name in the people of churches on earth Revelation 15:2-3.
    The mark of beast comes from the churches Rev 16:14; Rev 13:6,7-8,16-18; Rev 18:23;1 John 2:15-17; Isaiah 9:6kjv vs. Isaiah 9:5Torah.
    The mark of the beast is spiritual. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places Eph 6:12.
    Matt 10:28, And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell Rev 20:14. 2 Cor 11:13-15, For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers (host) also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works Daniel 8:12.

    How does the devil deceive the whole world Revelation 13:8? Image of man- Rom 1:23, 25; Isaiah 14:13-14; Rev 13:18; Mark 8:33; 2 Thess 2:4; Matt 24:15; Rev 17:8; Rev 6:15;Rev 19:20.
    Churches on earth -Isaiah 14:17; Dan 7:21,25; Dan 8:12-13; Dan 11:22,31-32, ; Dan 11:39,45; Matt 24:23-26; Luke 4:5-6; Luke 17:20-23;Mark 11:17; Mark 13:1-2, 5-6; Matt 13:30.
    Their teachings- 1 thess 5:3,Dan 9:26; Dan 11:22, 31-32;1Tim 4:1; 1Tim 1:6-10; 2Tim 2:16; 2Tim 4:3-4; Titus 1:10-11; Matt 15: 5-6; Matt 16:11; 2 Peter 2:2-3, 18-19; 1 John 4:5;Jude 1: 12,16;1 Cor 2:13; Dan 12:4; 2Tim 3:7.
    Signs and lying wonders- Matt 7:22; Matt 24:24; 2 Thess 2:9-10;Acts 16:17; Rev 16:14; Rev 18:23.
    In book of Daniel fourth kingdom will devour the whole earth Dan 7:23; Joel 2:3; Isaiah 14:17.
    This fourth kingdom and her beast is the mother church in Rome called,” Mystery Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots Abominations of the earth” Rev10:7; Rev17:5.
    Every church great or small of Catholics, Christians, Mormons, Jehovah witnesses, and any other form of doctrine thru Christ, Jesus and the people in them around the world all spiritually connected to mother church in Rome and Babylon, the Great City, which is spiritually called, “Sodom and Egypt” 2 Thess 2:7; Rev 11:8; Rev 17:9,15,18. This spiritual city is about to receive her hour of judgement Rev 17:1-2; Rev 11:13.
    All churches around the world have same roots as mother church in Rome- pulpit /raised platform, image of man/host (idols), congregation, church buildings between the seas, communion wafer/juice, choir, instruments, celebrate winter/spring holiday-(Rev 11:10; Dan 8:12), weddings, birthdays, funerals, candles, and many more Revelation 18:22-23.
    The silent abomination image of man on a raised platform in all churches around the world Matt 24:15. The image of man center of idol worship thru man’s hands, devices, speeches, flatteries, and music 2 Thess 2:3-4. Spiritual desolation happening inside all churches because image of man idolized Rev13:17-18;Isaiah 14:13;Rev18:2.
    How does fourth kingdom devour whole earth? By blending in with the systems of man and the spiritual plagues Rev 9:4,15; Dan 2:43;Joel 2:2-5,10. Churches have schools, web sites, concerts, businesses, college /universities, TV networks/channels, radio stations, buildings, recovery programs, media, news, magazines, and even their own bank Matt 6:24;1 John 2:15-17; Rev 13:16-18.
    The church’s preachers, evangelists, faith healers, pastors, prophets/prophetess, teachers, pope, cardinals, priests, their worship services, music, fellowship, bible studies, revivals, programs, published books/CDs, and their church activities WILL NOT SAVE YOU OR YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS during great tribulation (spiritual plagues) and the coming of the son of man Rev 1:7.
    Rev 18:4, And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues Dan 12:7; Isaiah 26:20-21; Isaiah 27:1.
    Seek God in prayer for the truth this will save you and your family members. I did for two years asking God for the truth about the churches, her leaders and followers and about myself. Hear my testimony on video just google, “Christ testimony of the churches around the world”.
    There are-
    Two identical jesus christ- Rev 17:8; Dan 7:21,25; Dan 8:11 / Luke 1:69; Rev 19:12; Matt 7:22; Matt 24:24
    Two image of man -Dan 2:31-32/ 1Cor 12:12-13,18.
    Two temples-Luke 21:5-6; Rev 18:21/ John 2:18-19;2 Peter 1:13-14.
    Two kingdoms -Fourth kingdom thru works of man’s hands Dan 7:11,23,25-26;Dan 8:22-25; Zep3:8; Hag 2:22; Matt 4:8;Matt 7:22;Luke 4:5.
    Everlasting kingdom of Christ thru the Spirit of God w/o hands 1 Chron 17:11,14; Dan 2:35, 44-45; Dan7:22,27;Rev 21:1-3; Luke 17:20-24; Col 3:1-4; Hebrews 8:1-2; Eph 2:20-22;Rom 2:28-29.
    Two men building a house- Matt 7:24-25; Matt 25:4 / Matt 7:26-27; Matt 25:3.
    Two identical strait gates-Matt 7:13 / Matt 7:14;
    John 10:3; Gal 4:25-27; John 4:23-24; Col 3:1-3; Philip 3:3,9-11; Rom 2:29; Gal 5:24; 1Peter 4:1-2.

    The 3.5 years before Great tribulation Revelation 11:2 outer court of God given to the gentiles Luke 21:24;Rev 13:10; Gal 4:25,27. God delivers two individuals out of the churches on earth. God anoints them as witnesses. They have power of God to prophesy against the churches on earth and her beast for 3.5 years.
    The beast ascends out of the bottomless pit and goes in perdition as God’s two witnesses prophesy to the people of churches on earth. The two witnesses tell their testimony for people of God to come out of all churches on earth and seek God in prayer to receive the outpouring of God’s Spirit which is the sealing. This happens before Great tribulation Ezek 9:1-5. God is even calling well known ministers to come out of churches on the earth.
    The beast wars against the people of God to try and keep them in churches, radio stations, tv networks, web sites, charities, businesses, schools, colleges, universities, in home bible studies, and any kind of organization that forms groups centered around the bible and a leader Dan 7:25; Dan 11:32,35; Dan 12:10; Rev 13:6; Gal 4:29.
    The people of God come out of churches and go into warfare against the spiritual lies and deceptions of the devil and get the victory Rev 15:2-3. The two witnesses of God finish their testimony. The beast wars against two witnesses and kills them. The people of the churches on earth rejoice to see their dead bodies in the Great City during winter holiday because the two witnesses tormented them on the earth. Three in a half days the two witnesses come to life by the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit of God and they leave the Great City while all their enemies beheld them Rev 11:7-12.
    Yes this is really happening as you read this message Great tribulation is almost here. This message is real. God is for real! I am telling the truth people of God come out of the churches!
    The testimonies of the two witnesses and those who get the victory over the beast are received in the temple of God Rev 11:19; Rev 15:5.
    A great spiritual earthquake happens in the Great City which is spiritually called, “Sodom and Egypt”. Many men (7000) spiritually come to the truth about the churches on earth and flee weeping and wailing for the people that stay behind in the churches and its affiliations around the world Rev 11:13; Rev 18:9-10.
    Beast takes his seat in the mother church of Rome to spiritually govern all churches and its affiliations on earth to prepare for spiritual/earthly/physical desolation on earth and spiritual warfare against the Lord and his Christ Dan:8:23;Rev 17:11; Joel 2: 2-9; Rev 19:19; Ps 2. The outpouring of God’s Spirit Acts 2:16-19; Joel 2:28-30. According to scriptures there are four angels loosened from the great river Euphrates and take their position holding the four winds. They are stopped by angel from above with sealing of God for the twelve tribes of the children of Israel to be sealed first. These are the first fruits of the harvest. The harvest is the end of the world. Also many people out of all nations are sealed and come out of Great tribulation ready for the coming of the son of man Rev 7:1-4,9,13-14; Matt 13:30; John 11:52; Dan 12:10.
    The seven angels come out of the temple of God and given the seven vials full of the wrath of God Rev 15:5-7; Dan 9:27.
    The people of churches go into stronger delusion 2 Thess 2:9-11. They are the host and armies of the beast of the fourth kingdom on the earth Rev 16:14; Rev 19:19; Rev 6:15; Isaiah 5:1-13. The people of God must come out of the churches.
    During Great tribulation great affliction upon the earth Matt 24:12,21-23;Luke 17:22-23; Luke 21:11,25-26;Isaiah chpt13; Isaiah chpt24-25.
    God shortens the days for the elect sake Dan 12:12-13; Joel 2:11>Rev 19:11-16,20. The spiritual battle to remove the beast from his seat and kingdom on earth Dan 7:23-24.
    The heavens open in the spirit realm and Christ appears having a new name and the elect (witnesses) are with him. Then Christ speaks his new name and the beast is cast into lake of fire Dan 7:11,26; Rev 19:20. The kings of the beast come to the truth that they were fighting against the true Jesus, the just one, the Christ, the son of the living true God. These men flee to the caves and rocks crying out fall on us Rev 19:19, 21; Rev 6:15-17; Isaiah 2:19-22; Luke 23: 28-31.Many people in the valley of decision during this spiritual battle will wonder on earth why they are seeing the sun, moon and stars darkened according to scriptures 2 Thess 2:9-10; Joel 3:14-15.
    The devil the old serpent is furious and gathers on earth to battle against God in the heavens Rev 20:8-10. The devil is cast into the lake of fire Rev 20:10. God sends son of man with fire of God behind him Dan2: 35,44-45;Luke 3:17>Matt 13:30. The Moon is turning red and the stars falling on the earth and the sign of the son of man is appearing Matt 24:29-30>27; Joel 2:31; Joel 3:16; Isaiah 34:4; Rev 6:13-14.
    The last Shofar is sounding son of man coming on clouds and the sea, death, and hell give up the dead Rev 20:13. The resurrection of the dead and the living happens as son of man coming behind him fire of God consuming earth and all those left from resurrection of the dead who have gone back into their sinful flesh and those alive stay in their sinful flesh Dan 12:2; Matt 24:40-41.
    The resurrection of the dead and the living into the body of Christ 1 Cor 15:52; Matt 24:28,31; Isaiah 26:19. The dead in Christ rise as God raised his son from the dead on the third day and the living are transfigured as Christ shown Peter on the holy mount Luke 24:39-40;Matt 17:2; 2 Peter 1:13-14.
    Earth and all works consumed by the fire God and the dead stand before the throne of God and the books are opened Dan 2:35; Peter 3:7,10-12; Rev 20:11-13. God creates new heavens and new earth Isaiah 65:17; Rev 21:1. New Jerusalem and the people of God Gal 4:26> Rev 21:2-4, 10, 22-27.
    Again please hear my testimony on video just goggle “Christ testimony of the churches around the world.”

  2. Really loved this article and how the comedian understands how disconnected we can all be. He’s right, who wants to feel sadness? I needed to read this today, thanks Tim.


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