Pope Francis and One World Religion Fears

Pope’s First Visit to Israel

With Pope Francis’ visit to the Holy Land, conspiracy theory rumors are emerging. The one I keep getting asked about: “Is the Pope ready anytime soon to call for one world religion?” For example:

Mr. Tim, I was wondering what you thought of the Pope visiting Israel. Some people say he’s forming a one world religion, everyone seems to look up at him, and he’s visiting Israel now about a month after the first blood moon. Is this significant? Please help me with this question.

Here’s my reply to these concerns:

Blood Moons?

First, regarding the “four blood moons,” I have to point out once again that they mean absolutely nothing prophetically as I explain in these articles:


“One World Religion?”

That out of the way, people already have their own preferences on what to believe or not believe such as atheism, budhism, hinduism, Islam, etc. We need to understand that nobody is going to accept a one world religion until its forced on them. Even if the most popular religious figure in the world, the pope, advocates for it.

Bible prophecy tells us that a one world religion is coming and what it will be. It will be worship of the Beast or Antichrist as God himself(Rev 13; 2Th 2:4). It also confirms it comes only when he takes over the world and the false prophet does signs convincing the world he is God to be worshiped. He only takes over the world once Wormwood comes and devastates everything.

Therefore, I would not worry about what the Pope does either in Israel or anywhere else today. While he may indeed be the last pope who becomes the False Prophet, he is not that in that role yet. He will not fill that role until the Beast rises to take over the world and makes him his prophet. Until then, his influence, although notable, is highly limited in comparison to what it will be when he convinces the world to worship the Beast through signs and wonders.

Hope that settles everyone’s mind on the Pope and his actions in Israel being a sign of the end. I encourage everyone to review once again the one sign of the end that Jesus gave and wait for only that and don’t fall for any other signs you hear about from sources other than Jesus.
4 Blood Moons of Tribulation 2014-2015? Mark Biltz Theory Debunked

1 thought on “Pope Francis and One World Religion Fears”

  1. Thanks Tim for being a voice of reason among a World full of Religious crazies. The end time will not be pretty why do i get the feeling these people are anxious for it.


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