I thought you might be interested in reading the article entitled, “The REVELATION Revelation”, which can be found at http://www.stargatezero.com (click on “The Revelation Revelation” in the Articles menu on the left). The author purports to have found “confirmation” of the December 21, 2012 end date encoded in the Bible.
While December 21st is the solstice and perhaps the end of the Mayan calendar as that site claims, it is completely insignificant on the Biblical calendar which I believe is the only reliable source of prophecy today. The Bible does not even mention equinoxes and solstices on its calendar, let alone prophecy about any significant events on these days. Those days were only important to the sun-worshipping pagan religions. In contrast, the Biblical calendar is reckoned by the moon and agriculture, ignoring the sun except for starting the day (at sunset).
More importantly, December is nowhere near any one of the prophetic Spring or Fall Holy Days of Leviticus 23 on which significant prophetic events in Revelation will happen. There are no December or winter holy days on that prophetic calendar.
For example, if that site is expecting the “End of the Age” that Jesus spoke of on that date, that would be the Battle of Armageddon and the “Day of the LORD.” The clues in Revelation 19 about that event point to it happening on Yom Kippur (Revelation 19 = Leviticus 16 where the scapegoat banished = Satan banished), which is nine days after the Feast of Trumpets, or the day when the “Last Trump” Paul referred to is sounded and the resurrection and rapture occur. These days are both in Tishrei (seventh moon) which falls in either from about mid-September through about mid-October every year…never in December. Therefore, I would not pay any attention to any claims for the End of the Age coming in December of any year as they are at odds with the prophetic framework laid out in Leviticus and Revelation.
However, 2012 may indeed be a significant year for the start of things leading up to the end of the age. See my timeline research for more on this.