9 thoughts on “What Kind of “Earthquakes” (Mt 24:7) Is An End Time Sign”

  1. Tim,
    Many Bible scholars have indicated thatthe fig tree blooming in Matt. 24:32 (Luke 21:29) refers to when Israel became a nation in 1948. This timing would then start the “generation that would not pass away until all these things are fulfilled”. If they are correct, that generation is now in its 60’s. I’m not sure that I agree with those scholars and would like you opinion on the meaning of the referenced passages.

    • A good word to clue in on is “this” generation. He did not say “that” generation. He was telling his audience they would see no stone left on another. He in no way set up a event to count 40 years from to know the timing of his coming which he already said numerous times no man knows the day or hour (read: time) of. I have a series called Seven Prophecy Pitfalls that goes into this. To get it, sign up for my free newsletter by emailing to eatt-news@aweber.com or going to http://www.EscapeAllTheseThings.com and using the sign up form.

  2. Thanks, that makes sense (although I don’t understand why Jesus said that ALL these things would be accomplished before that generation that saw the temple destroyed passed away.)
    Now I have two other questions regarding this passage and your book:
    1 – Is there any scriptural reference or significance for the end times of Israel becoming a nation in 1948 (Dry bones, etc)? Does this event help discern the timing of the end times?
    2 – Is the timing in your book, Escape All These Things, based primarily on the 6000 years of mans rule, i.e. why do you feel that we are just before the 6th seal and not much earlier?
    Your book has given me great pause for thought. I am rereading it and challenging your every point to see how it fits Scripture. Thank you so much for helping me see things from a whole new perspective and get back into the Bible.

    • Have you ever heard of the preterists? They find a way to make all those things fit by 70 AD. What “all things” refers to is unclear to me since if you compare the three synoptic accounts on this they vary enough to make you wonder.

      1. No. Dry bones of Eze 37 is about the resurrection of all Israel after the Millennium to flesh to live again even though they died “unsaved”.
      2. Know the Future does not base where we are on the 6000 years. It simply deduces that since the first five seals could easily fit things in history while the sixth seal impossibly cannot, then the 6th seal is next.

      Glad to help!

  3. OK, now you have me really confused. If there is no scriptural reference to Israel becoming a nation in 1948, and if your book’s timing does not rely on the 6000 years of man’s rule coming to an end, they how did you arrive at all the possible years for your book’s timeline? On what is the timeline based? Why wouldn’t the end times occur at the end of a seven-year cycle 50 or 100 years from now?

    • The timeline is based on the historic Sabbath year cycle that began when Israel kept the first Sabbath year. See the PDF study linked from my book that explains the evidence.

      And yes, the end times indeed can be decades from now. Just keep adding seven to the last year listed in the printed timeline if things go on longer and you want to keep up with the possible windows for the 70th Week of Daniel.

  4. You probably won’t print this. But here goes: The book Malachai says someone will come before the “great and terrible day of the Lord, unless I smite the earth with a curse.” That man is here now and began his ministry in 1960. His name is Roy Masters at FHU.com returning the hearts of the sons to the fathers and vice versa. Roy is now 82. He is enabling the sealing in the minds of many right now before the end. The Book of Benjamin speaks of him also, someone “coming with new knowledge like honey, who will be with us until the close of the age. So it is very close now!

  5. Tim, I read with great interest your latest email regarding a post tribulation rapture… I need your help. I have family members that follow the teachings of Ellis Skofield. Last night was the first I had come to some understanding of what he is teaching… it blew me away. I found myself almost uncontrollably un-nerved…
    He teaches (and uses scripture to back up his teachings) that the millenium has passed and we are living in the time when Satan has benn unloosed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VamBOJ_uU_8&feature=related

    • Sure he uses Scripture, but he allegorizes it, says its mostly figurative. It’s not. It’s mostly literal, with few exceptions. I was amazed to see he rightly saw that the seven seals began to be fulfilled right after the Ascension (1st seal = many coming in Christ’s name saying he is Christ deceiving many…Catholicism/Christianity), but then he says the trumpets are parallel to the seals. That’s impossible since the trumpet angels do not get released until the the 7th seal is done (Rev 8:1-2). If he breaks even one Scripture like this, then he will come to wrong conclusions like the Millennium being past. Ignore him and do not be afraid (Dt 18:22).


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