In the news today, yet another sign that the Bible’s predicted Middle East nuclear war is on the horizon:
Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran
Iran’s president shows no signs of relenting, of course he’s a religious fanatic who wants an apocalypse to bring in the Mahdi. I think in a few years Iran and her allies will attack Israel per Psalm 83. I still am not sure if the mentioned preemptive strike on uranium enrichment facilities will trigger the Arabs as a counter attack or if Israel will have to scratch that and go for the hitting of the capitals like Damascus as a counter strike in defense. Either way, many bible prophecies indicate this war is coming, perhaps before the end of this decade.
Irans president is a puppet. The US/Britain, Iran/Russia, Isreal are all playing their parts as per the script. A wider confrontation in the middle east is inevitable. For those interested in Biblical prophecy, UN agenda, jesuits/freemasons etc. Go to BTJunkie and search out the “Total Onslaught” series of lectures available in one torrent. It covers 37 lectures approx. 1-1/2hrs each and offers a wealth of information for the uninitiated.
I,ve read you book know the future and i,ve read many other articles and books on future prophecies and i believe that you are right on the money and make more sence than any other information i,ve read. I want to know what your feelings are on the illuminati conspiricy that i,ve read so much about.
I believe the Bible indicates there is a conspiracy run by Satan to direct the course of history towards a one world government where Satan will be worshiped. He uses his “seed” according to the Bible who he gave control of the kingdoms too which Jesus rejected his offer of. The Illuminati story seems to fit these ruling seed of Satan just as the Planet X story seems to fit Wormwood.
re the Illuminati, they contacted me, due to my high IQ I think, and offered me riches and power, and Satanic blessing, much like Christ. Scared the pants off me. I wish to remain unknown by them, and it seems that I am now being hounded by those ‘dark forces’. House burned up twice in three months. The Illuminati is a good subject to research on the internet.
Tim, I just read an article in Popular Mechanics that basically takes your side on the financial muck in America, saying we are strong, and why. I am still hoping to get money to move to CR soon, but it seems to be out of my control. I refuse to stress, just pray and wait. ;D
I don’t know how strong the economy is, I just believe Revelation 18 indicates we’ll avoid economic collapse,dollar meltdown, martial law, concentration camps, gradual decline into a Third World nation, and all the related rumors that have persisted for decades now.
I hope you make it to Costa Rica as I’d like to meet you.
It looks like the probability of war with Iran is starting to wind down. If a person makes a prophecy, war between Iran & Israel, in the near future, and it doesn’t happen, it means that either the person’s understanding of the Bible is flawed, or possibly an all powerful God could decide to change his plans.
The economy is considerably worse off than the statistics indicate. Beginning with the Clinton Administration, all the unemployed who had been looking for a job for a year or more were taken off the stats. If they are figured in, the actual rate is 8-12%
I agree it’s not imminent, but just because it’s not now does not mean God is changing his plans. I’m not making predictions or prophecies, I’m merely explaining the predictions already there. Psalm 83 is pretty clear and unfulfilled.
also some say the origin of the star of David for the Israel created by the Rothschild’s is the occultic star of Solomon, Hitler put a yellow one on each Jew after he used IBM’s Hollerith keypunch machine to locate them with so fast and efficiently to be herded off to the gas chambers and other horrors. IBM profited greatly and today is profiting greatly from its RFID system, they find out a head of time the governments needs for their future plans and create/provide for those needs, the RFID system is in use today on a mass scale in China and Singapore and in the US although not widely known, our drivers license will have a RFID and our Passport of our merchandise we buy already has them, readers have been installed everywhere, we are fast becoming a Facist police state, Nazism went underground at end of WWII and has arisen stealthy in the US ever since look up the Bavarian Illuminati. and how the Bush family fits in, look up the Bohemian Grove meeting of our world leaders and how they perform a ceremony to a God named Moloch sound familiar that God is in the Old Test. people where sacrificing their own babies in burning fire before him (Satan wanted to kill the seed of woman for from her seed would come the one to crush his head per God to him in the Garden of Eden) all the old Gods mentioned in the OT and in history books are the fallen ones, the Greek Gods where the fallen ones and they are resurfacing in the US look at the “their” tv shows it is esoteric stuff some has said the US is reverting to Druidism the worship of the high degree Masons who have been in high power positions in the US for over a hundred years, in short the US is one of their greatest bases of operation stemming from Great Britain in the beginning of our country it was their plan for the American people to believe they where a free people while they where working behind the scenes to make sure that would not be the case, it is all Satanic and “we the people have been under a great deception regarding our country” I know that the Bible says judgment begins in the church. God says if my people who are called by my name “Christ”ians will humble themselves and repent then I will hear their prayers and HEAL THEIR LAND! no man knows the day or hour of the end of time as we know it and theres a reason for that. God is merciful and is not willing that any should perish, he is waiting for repentance of sin committed against him (and for we as a nation to reach our full wickedness) Thats right he takes the committing of sin personal you are breaking the law of your own Creator the Creator of all things all else and others are under him he has the right to make the law he requires sincere contrite repentance a throughly resolved changing of ways to his ways as stated in his Word, accepting Jesus as savior and Lord of your life so that you might be born again, Jesus said except one be born again he will not see heaven.(paraphrased) I say this to any that might not be born again that is reading this post.
Some say this star of David whose origin is the occultic star of Solomon will be the mark of the beast, something else to watch for in these last days. Satan wants to count, control and round up Gods people into one place to destroy them it seems and God did hate a census of the people of course God knew the future at the time in the OT that he spoke against a census, he knew of Hitlers census and he knows of the New World Orders census.
Look up our redemption draws nigh and be in continual prayer God says to draw nigh to him and he will drew nigh to him and he wants obedience to his Word over sacrifice.
Well for sure I am done now. Thanks all for our patience in reading.
Personally I can’t wait to see all hell break loose in the middle east. I think it will be a quick, miraculous victory much like the 1967 six day war….“Brethren and sons, this is the day of the battle to avenge our martyred brethren who fell in 1948. It is the day to wash away the stigma. We shall, God willing, meet in Tel Aviv and Haifa†– Radio broadcast by Iraqi President Abdel Rahman Aref
What an idiotic statement ! but what more would you expect from an idiot? I can’t wait to see the Jews take a bull-dozer up the temple mount and finally destroy that sickening building. What an awesome day it will be! Now with what we see happening in the world towards America and the British commonwealth and since we know the roots of these two “ brothers “ I would have to say we are already in “ The Time of Jacobs Trouble “ with a capital T ………Tim I bought your book and I think it is an awesome piece of work.Trying to keep up with or make sense of the timeline in Revelation is very confusing to me even with works like your book. I have thought for a while now that the false religion of islam was invented by the hand of Y’hovah to fulfill his work. It seems to me that Y’hovah created these middle eastern psycho’s (arabs and all those that follow them) to hate and want to kill jews and Christians. The hatred between the Jews and the arabs ofcourse goes back to ishmael and Isaac. It seems to me that the sixth trumpet has been blown? I see all of this psychotic terrorist activity as the “loosening of the 4 angels from the river Euphrates “ I see the third part of man as Christians? I don’t think they will really kill all one third of them but the 1/3 only describes who these people are? I think these 4 angels have been bound since around 600 AD. These are just two points that I am really stuck on.
Brother Tim, why do you say that per Rev 18, we will avoid all that? to whom are you referring? America? Believers who left? only those in Messiah who follow Him wherever He goes, & are protected in Israel, will be safe. please elaborate.
i have read about the star of David, & cannot see that there is anything wrong with it. its just another ploy to attack Israel.
also, i see people calling YHWH Yehovah. this is a false name, since hovah means ruin. & the waw is a W sound, not a V.
Ok it is a lie that ahmedinejad said we want to wipe israel and america off the map. That was incorrectly translated by al-jazeera-actually what he said was the zionist regime must be removed from the face of the earth. People that are educated, and even muslims know not all jews are zionists-zionism is a secular movement funded by the rothschilds and rockefellers-the global elite powerplayers. The jews are not the chosen ones, and are ashkenazi’s-descedants from eastern europe and the khazar empire. Jews lost all their genealogical records in 70AD when the second temple was destroyed according to the bible. Israel is a genocidal state, an apartheid state, and jews run most of the worlds media. Do your own research-the jews are not gods people CHRISTIANS are- christian zionism is pathetic and not biblical.