3 thoughts on “What Is The Mark of the Beast and How To Avoid It Today”

  1. Pingback: Biblical Prophecy » What Is The Mark of the Beast and How To Avoid It Today
  2. easy wide road to destruction. the cross has been with every false religion as a marker that you should avoid. jesus will kill at least 90 percent of the earths humans. there is a very small chance that u dont have the mark. did anyone bother to remove the crosses from the war uniforms. that symbol was always going to end up next to its sister symbol, the swastika. god hates the cross. the romans only used crossed timbers for specific crimes. i will be gone no dought, but so will u all. this earth needs us gone.

  3. u all better get it in perspective or u r all in big trouble, if u make it through the great tribulation to see jesus and his angel army with swords. its easy to find the light. jesus didnt make it simple for a reason. if u stay with a religion that is massive, deals with the world, follows the cross, uses idols to worship, has added beliefs, distorted or unsure moments, or even only one of these things, then u can not be saved. it would be wrong to save you. this time the shit must stay out!


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