End Coming on December 21st 2012?

I thought you might be interested in reading the article entitled, “The REVELATION Revelation”, which can be found at http://www.stargatezero.com (click on “The Revelation Revelation” in the Articles menu on the left). The author purports to have found “confirmation” of the December 21, 2012 end date encoded in the Bible.


While December 21st is the solstice and perhaps the end of the Mayan calendar as that site claims, it is completely insignificant on the Biblical calendar which I believe is the only reliable source of prophecy today. The Bible does not even mention equinoxes and solstices on its calendar, let alone prophecy about any significant events on these days. Those days were only important to the sun-worshipping pagan religions. In contrast, the Biblical calendar is reckoned by the moon and agriculture, ignoring the sun except for starting the day (at sunset).

More importantly, December is nowhere near any one of the prophetic Spring or Fall Holy Days of Leviticus 23 on which significant prophetic events in Revelation will happen. There are no December or winter holy days on that prophetic calendar.

For example, if that site is expecting the “End of the Age” that Jesus spoke of on that date, that would be the Battle of Armageddon and the “Day of the LORD.” The clues in Revelation 19 about that event point to it happening on Yom Kippur (Revelation 19 = Leviticus 16 where the scapegoat banished = Satan banished), which is nine days after the Feast of Trumpets, or the day when the “Last Trump” Paul referred to is sounded and the resurrection and rapture occur. These days are both in Tishrei (seventh moon) which falls in either from about mid-September through about mid-October every year…never in December. Therefore, I would not pay any attention to any claims for the End of the Age coming in December of any year as they are at odds with the prophetic framework laid out in Leviticus and Revelation.

However, 2012 may indeed be a significant year for the start of things leading up to the end of the age. See my timeline research for more on this.

11 thoughts on “End Coming on December 21st 2012?”

  1. i’ve herd that the world is suppost to end on Dec. 23, 2012, but i read that based on the Aztec indians. I read that they thought they had time figured out and even thou their time machines (clocks) are thousands of years old, they remain only 30 seconds behind the actual time. does this have anything to do w/ the bible? or is this just a guess made by them??

  2. My answer above would apply to Aztec December 23, 2012 date just two days after the Mayan date, as well. That date is not signficant in the Bible and I doubt highly that the Aztecs had Bible texts thousands of years ago that they could read to base it on! If it’s true, i’d like to hear more how both North and South American indians came up with more or less the same doomsday date.

  3. The world is full of imposters. God already said that no one knows the day or hour so any man who sets a date is automatically wrong. But the righteous have been given signs by God to know what times we are living in and it is a fact that these are the last days. Just look at how so much false prophecy has entered the world. Satan tries to discredit true prophecy by taking a little truth and adding alot of fable. For instance “Left Behind” is phony and not of God. Most of the world has not been called by God so how can people be left behind? He also sends raving lunatics to proclaim “The end is near” so people will believe those phonies represent Christians. The Da Vinci Code is phoney but naturally it gets all the media and the
    perishing would rather believe it rather than the truth. Man is rebellious and doesn’t want to have anything to do with God. That’s why God gives his truth to his followers and allows the rest of the world to follow fables that lead to destruction. Stick to the bible and obey the Lord and you will never go wrong.

  4. if what mr. phillips says is true then he is the one being led astray because the largest religion in the world is christianity so in his on words he is part of the “most of the world who has not been called on by god” the bottom line is that you put so much belief into a book that was written by people that are believed to be good but what do you know about tha people who assembled the book. how do you know that all the stories are there and that it is just not a collection of one mans vision. it really bothers me that otherwise vary intellegent people can beleive so much in a magic performing god ( which i dont necceseraly disagree with ) but find it so far fetched that there maybe more to the story. i think that is just that type of narrow minded-ness that the devil will use. you have to explore all of the evidence and form your own conclusion not just believe that the bible holds all the anwsers.doesnt anybody find it a little strange that most known religions and ancient cultures have very similiar ends cant we even amagine that this might have some credit dont just believe what somebody tells you to or you will end up on the wrong side of things in the end

  5. David, you are right we should all prove the Bible is the inspired word of God for ourselves, and not take it on “blind faith”–which is not what God demands or wants anyway. Few Christians do this, of course, as few of them have even read the entire Bible through.

  6. I do believe in jesus..and god.. but I do know.. that there are things..we cant or werent suppose to know.. I think we should live each day..as our last.. treat others as we would want to be treated.. and forgive.. even our enemies… we would want that for ourselves..right? love each other.. and feel compassion.. do right.. and send joy and not condemn.. dont judge.. its easy to.. I have.. but I try not to.. if December 23, 2012 is the time.. then I accept it.. if not.. I havent spent a time not wanting to redo what I should have done.. because I would have tried.. which is all we can do.. we are not perfect.. no one can be.. we only can wish and hope we are better persons because of our experience on our short time on earth

  7. Although Christians do believe the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God based on “blind faith”, it can be statistically proven that the Bible is the source for truth (see our page on this, http://www.passtheword.net/morethanacarpenter.html). I do recall several years ago that the masses believed that the year 2000 was going to be the end, but we’re still here. The Bible tells us that no man knows the day or the hour. The universe is in God’s hands, and He’s not going to let anything happen between now and 2012 (or after) unless it’s His will. We don’t have to worry about the year 2000, 2012, or any other year being doomsday if we prepare now to meet the Lord.

  8. i belive that no man knows the day or hour that god will come back i think that if you are prepared for his coming and that your life is right with god then you dont have to worry about it.about a year ago i had a dream that my son and i was sitting on the sofa and all of a suddon we heard something outside so we went to look and the sky looked like it was rolling then it went away we went back inside and a few minutes later it happend again we went back outside and the sky starting rolling again and this time it didnt stop it was real blue and then it stoped and the whole sky was bright i looked to the side of me and i said to my son david look there he is and it was jesus standing there with his arms wide open and i was so scared because i knew that i wasent right with god.and thats a real dream [kathy and david]

  9. How can the Mayan Calendar be right? If the Bible says the Anti Christ makes a 7 year peace treaty with Israel and breaks it half way at 3 1/2 years, The Anti Christ has less then 3 1/2 years to make the peace treaty before he breaks it half way through according to the Mayan Calendar. So do people believe the Mayan Calendar is right over the bible? So now a calendar is our book or wallpaper of truth?

    • Exactly! Good discernment. The Mayan calendar is not a prophecy, let alone a reliable Bible prophecy. It’s just a calendar that only goes so far and needs a new edition be published. The Ancient Mayans are gone so that’s all she wrote. Men have speculated they had precognitive abilities and ended the calendar in 2012 to indicate the end of the world. Men speculate all the time with dismal results and a new generation comes along unaware of this and actually thinks there might be something to these dates.


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