Energy and Security – No US Attack on Iran

Jeff Nyquist makes another case for why the US is unlikely to attack Iran as they did Iraq. This follows up his previous article about how the Iraq quagmire and Democratic control of congress makes a US-lead attack on Iran unlikely

Read Energy and Security at Jeff’s site.

The world stage keeps looking more like the scene of Isaiah 17 when Israel must fight off the Arab attack herself using the Samson Option. Still it’s years away thankfully because Iran does not yet have a full arsenal of missiles needed to fulfill Ahmadinejad’s apocalyptic dream.

This War: Is God In Control or Just Evil?

Mark wrote:

IF there is a real god, he either is IN control or he IS NOT in control, right? If he IS in control, then he has everything just like he wants with wars, fighting, killing, torture, hate, etc., and all the negative things he made, so he is a big Ahole. If he IS NOT in control then he does not fit the description of a god and is not so nice, perfect, and all powerful and does not exist……..There is no in-between and neither of these descriptions is good, so he is only an imagination in your head………..Also, if we came from Adam and Eve, they had kids but then they had to have sex with each other to make more kids, and again, and again, so we are all decendants of inbreeds, right? yep inbreeds. so sorry

Hi Mark,

God is in control but has given us free will to choose how to live the life he gave us. He cannot give us free will then take it away everytime someone might do something hurtful or how would we ever learn it does not work for ourselves as freewill promises? That deaths and wars happen is solvable later becuase there is a resurrection and a time coming when God will rein things in to show the contrast of life under his government. But he could not “shove his religion down our throat” first before letting the need for his ways and government be historically demonstrated beyond any doubt. He will literally be saving the Earth from destruction when he steps in, proving our gift of life from him is incomplete without his instruction and government.

Inbreeding is only a problem after genetic mistakes crop up after many generations, which would not be the case in the first generations of offspring of something God had directly created.

If you want more insight on why God is allowing the world to go the way he is now, including all kinds of fractured warring Churches operating in his name, see my book Mystery Of Disunity.


Why Do People Use Yahweh, Jehovah or YHWH instead of Lord?

Received two emails about the names I choose to use for Jesus and God on my site:

Why is LORD replaced with YHWH? My Bible says But the seventh day is the sabath of the LORD thy God

Why is everybody suddenly calling the LORD YHWH?

The other, less civil, email came from the other camp:

If His Son, Yahusha, came in His Father’s Name, why would you still use “Jesus”?? There is only one Name under heaven by where we are delivered (saved). It is not “Jesus”. “Jesus” only means salvation.

Yahusha means Deliverance of Yahuah or “Salvation” of Yahuah. Yahuah’s Son was not greek, ieasus, or Americanized jesus, He was a Hebrew and His Hebrew Name is Yahusha.

In response to both I wrote a new article here on Yahweh vs. Lord and does God get mad if we say Jesus instead of “Yahushuah?“.

Will Elijah Know Who He Is?

Hi Tim,

I am a big fan of yours! How would the modern-day Elijah know himself to be Elijah? Would he have powers and be able to accurately prophecy?


Well, you must be a fan because you’re one of my best customers (and I appreciate your support).

I think it’s pretty safe to say, that when the real prophet Elijah comes he will know himself to be the promised Elijah of the end times because God will tell him. He is a prophet after all! Note that John the Baptist, knew who was here in John 1:23:

John 1:22-23 (HCSB) — 22 “Who are you, then?” they asked. “We need to give an answer to those who sent us. What can you tell us about yourself?” 23 He said, “I am a voice of one crying out in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the Lord—just as Isaiah the prophet said.”

Since he was a forerunner of the final Elijah, I believe the same pattern will be followed.

And, yes, he will have powers and be able to accurately prophesy as I believe I said in my book (at least I believe I did, but I’m beginning to doubt I said it clearly since you said you read my book on Elijah twice yet don’t seem to know this).


Did Nephilim Build the Pyramids?

Cherie wrote:

Tim, I have really enjoyed reading your many articles! I have learned so much! I have a question regarding the Pyramids, I have heard that the Pyramids in Egypt were possibly created by the SONS OF GOD fallen angels children (from being with earthly women) and they learned about heaven from the fallen angels and built the Pyramids to show them what Heaven would be like. That the measurements of the Pyramids are the exact measurements that GOD gives in the Bible. What information do you have regarding this, is there already something on you site I may have missed.

I think you may be referring to the same theory put forth in Patrick Heron’s book about the Nephilim and Pyramids. I have not read his book and listening to him on an interview I heard a misunderstanding of the true nature of the nephilim that cast doubts on his research and conclusions.

Not having read his book or researched much into the pyramids, I do not know why he concludes that, but I have heard there are proven methods that mere men could have built them without help from giants… Herodotus reported on exactly that in the 5th century BCE. Check out these other pyramid construction theories as well.

As I have more information on this topic it will be posted here: Nephilim In Prophecy

Warning Family About America’s Fate

Jacqueline wrote in reference to my articles about America is Babylon where we learn America is predicted to be burned with fire, from which God’s people will be told to flee:

How can I tell my family and friends without them laughing at me that America is a sinful city? please help.

First, the command from heaven to God’s people to flee America in Revelation 18 and Jeremiah 51 is missing a timing element. No doubt a prophet must come to fill us in on when the optimal time “before she is judged” has come, as this command is incomplete and therefore not yet applicable.

Second, it is not your job to warn others about the prophecy or you would be equipped to prove it to them through signs as all of God’s (true, Hebraic) prophets have. It is a matter of faith that the Bible is true and that the identity of Mystery Babylon is the United States of America. You cannot prove this to others and it would be a waste of time to try to, especially if they are not asking you out a sincere desire to know.

What to do then? The Bible tells us to focus on purifying ourselves and then when others see our good works they will praise God (Mt 5:16) and perhaps ask us about the hope that lies within us (1Pe 3:15). Then we can tell them only what they asked for rather than use it as an excuse to try to convert them. This focus on getting our sinful selfish nature cleaned up is our real Great Commission, rather than going around talking about our beliefs with everyone who will listen. Notice the confirmation of this here in the prophecy of the Apostles until now, the end:

Daniel 11:35 (ESV) and some of the wise shall stumble, so that they may be refined, purified, and made white, until the time of the end, for it still awaits the appointed time.

To purify yourself study the entire Bible and find out what the righteous people praised therein did and copy it. Do not follow religious traditions in place of hearing and doing the word of God directly, just as people like Abraham, David and Jesus did.

For more information on this see my 2nd book on the 144000 and the Mystery Of Disunity