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tim cleal on Do We Need To “Forsake All” (Like Jesus Said)?Thank you,God bless you
Tim McHyde on Do We Need To “Forsake All” (Like Jesus Said)?Hi Tim, This is Katrina McHyde writing to you. I do not know what happened but your post is up now. Blessings from Bavaria, Germany
Tim Cleal on Do We Need To “Forsake All” (Like Jesus Said)?i put down a comment on Tuesday 27th February.It was there briefly but now it's gone. Why?
Tim Cleal on Do We Need To “Forsake All” (Like Jesus Said)?The papist ppl say, "It's a council of Perfection" True! many comfy Christians say sternly,almost angrily,"It was meant only for the rich young man.But everything else seems to be "for everyone" Being loving, patient, tolerant etc. But to be poor like Jesus? "Ah! Well! No - that's a lifestyle choice" Mm! There are things Jesus did which we may do.Or must do. Things we may do but aren't able to do.And things we must NOT do - say,"I'm the Messiah" Giving all away will be the thing in Heaven Those who do it there will be those who did it first on earth.When Christians fail it's usually because of a lack of love. Comfortable Christians will say, sternly, without checking," It's a useless act without love" When they say, "have YOU given up all?" You will summon up all the humility you can muster and say softly, in a whisper, "I have" and leave it at that. Preach it. Do it. But without feeling virtuous. Money is the big big problem.It's not "just a tool - an inanimate thing." It's the created product and symbol of all our little hopes, dreams & desires.Above all it's an IDEA, one of the tricksiest most devilish ever realised by man. May Jesus rescue us from it. Finally there's one thing that you & I and all the people writing on this site do that is most Unchristlike. What? WE WRITE!
randall hewgley on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?You would think that someone of your exalted position would have better spelling. ... You cannot declare yourself a prophet! God must do it.
Tim McHyde on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?Sorry, I was late. Blessings Katrina
Billy W on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?Why are my postings not showing up?
Billy W on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?Let me know, if you want me to continue? The above video clip calls for the Blood Moon/Rapture to occur in September 2025. The following shows that the rapture occurs - Before - May 2028. By No Means is May 1948 + 80 years or 2028 or before May 2028. Reference Psalm 90:10 below maximum biblical age. Matthew 24:34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by "no means pass away". Psalm 90:10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. ----------------- The most important signs are the ones that relate to Israel because God uses the Jews throughout the Scriptures as His prophetic time clock. By this I mean that very often when the Lord is revealing an important event that will take place in the future, He will point to the Jewish people and state that when a certain thing happens to them, the important event will also occur. A good example of this principle can be found in Daniel 9 in the famous “Seventy Weeks of Years” prophecy. The prophet tells us to watch for a decree to be issued that will authorize the rebuilding of Jerusalem. He then says that the Messiah will come sixty-nine weeks of years (483 years) after that decree is issued to the Jewish people. There are two key prophecies which relate the return of Jesus to events that have occurred in Jewish history since 1948. These two events clearly established the period in which we are now living as the season of the Lord’s return. The State of Israel The first is the re-establishment of the state of Israel, which occurred on May 14, 1948. Jesus singled out this event as the one that would signal His soon return. His prophecy is contained in the fig tree parable (Matthew 24:32-35) which He presented in His Olivet Discourse. The day before He delivered this speech, He had put a curse on a barren fig tree, causing it to wither (Matthew 21:18-19). This was a symbolic prophecy that God would soon pour out His wrath upon the Jewish people because of their spiritual barrenness in rejecting His Son. The next day, Jesus reminded His disciples of the fig tree. He said to watch for it to bloom again. In other words, He said watch for the rebirth of Israel. He indicated that when the fig tree blooms again, He would be at the gates of Heaven, ready to return (Matthew 24:33). Equally significant, He added an interesting observation: “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place” (Matthew 24:34). What generation? The generation that sees the fig tree blossom. We are that generation. The fig tree has blossomed. Jesus is at the gates. The City of Jerusalem ----------------- Matthew 24:33-34 New King James Version 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. ----------------- Matthew 24:18-19 New King James Version The Fig Tree Withered 18 Now in the morning, as He returned to the city, He was hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves, and said to it, “Let no fruit grow on you ever again.” Immediately, the fig tree withered away. ----------------- Matthew 24:32-35 New King James Version The Parable of the Fig Tree 32 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that [a]it is near—at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
Billy W on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?In order to address the question. I must start with the Pre-Trib-Rapture The Rapture and its probable Year and Months since we are not allowed the actual day and time. Run this video clip For the Blood Moon Revelation 6 New King James Version Sixth Seal: Cosmic Disturbances 12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14 Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. 15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” The New Moon of Rosh Hashana and the Blood Moon over Israel are expected to appear as follows. Notice the date and time in the upper right hand corner. Rosh Hashana marks the return of the Jewish Messiah and the Blood Moon marks the return of Jesus Christ and Jewish Messiah concurrently?
Bill on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?Proof 1 I think the Jewish people will recognize the importance of September and October. The "moon became as blood". Logically, this passage in the Bible would take place from the point of view of the Jewish people. And they would of course be in Israel. So I asked the computer to come up with a date when this event in the Bible for the next full blood-red moon will occur. This seems to be in September on 2025. We are of course not permitted to know the day and time. But nothing was said of the year or month. You can watch the computer generated event, if you play this video Revelation 6 King James Version 12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
Lynda M. on The Ironic Christian Fear of Cults (When They’re Already In One)Regarding Mormons believing Jesus is an angel...I can't tell if you're agreeing with David's comment or just responding to it but, as I stated, David is COMPLETELY wrong on that. That level of ignorance is not something I've encountered in a long, long time. It's almost as bad as the belief that Mormons have horns that used to be a thing in the 70s and 80s, believe it or not. Or the belief that Mormons, um, "know" each other in our temples, if you get my meaning, and that this type of "knowledge" involves Crisco shortening. That, too, was a belief held in the 70s and 80s. Anyway you're right that we use water and not wine for the sacrament but I don't think that's a deal breaker for God. It's not a salvation issue. And yes, I know I'm responding to an old post. Just posting for the benefit of anyone else who reads Tim's article.
Lynda M. on The Ironic Christian Fear of Cults (When They’re Already In One)Mormons 100% DO NOT teach that Jesus is an angel and not the son of God. Not even close. Nope. You're thinking of the angel Moroni who is not Jesus Christ, obviously. Lol.
michael on Mark of the Beast: Literal or Sunday Worship?12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12. Where does it say "except The Fourth Commandment?"
Ur mom on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?Church "fathers" vs. the Bible... ? Interesting
Bo on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?No, only the predication of the temple was fulfilled. His disciples asked three questions and Jesus gave three answers. The abomination of Desolation did NOT occur in 70 A.D.
Bo on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?No man knows the day or the hour....and here you are predicting it......yeah
Bo on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?75 years later......yeah
Bo on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?15 years later......yeah
Denise on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?I wondered the same thing myself, but i think God is calling the antichrist Gog of Magog because he is encompassing vessel of Satan...because youll notice the the slain army is buried, not thrown into lake of fire after Satan is burn after the Battle of Gog n Magog...its like foreshadowing God spoke to the King if Tyre and compared him to Lucifer...remember the New Jerusalem after 1000 years and Satan thrown into fire and the wicked has no temple.. The millennial kingdom has a temple because sin is not yet about the red heifer and its ashes mixed with living water for cleansing the people in contact with death...first the sacrifice, then three days later people are sprinkled with ashes andcwater, then the 7th day the people are full cleansed to come into temple
Denise on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?Wait...whered you get the famake witness/prophetess/priestess? I had a dream about one of the 2 witnesses being a female and the other a male...please, pleasec expound
Kurt Scherl on Can Christians Fight For Their Country?Hey Tim, these are difficult questions to answer. To make it simple, I think going to war or not is depenting. When you think it is the right cause to go to war you should go. But when you think it is not better go to prison like Ali did. This is a hard way to be that consequent. It is not for every person. In the end we are all responsible for our own doing. That is my opinion. Thanks for reading, Kurt
ion on How Long Was Jesus’ Ministry?Not correct that ministry us tied to sabbath years. Actually tied to middle of the week of 7 years. That is essential to know
Brian D on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?I agree ... Whether 1800s commentaries said one thing and newer thoughts are now different seems a moot point (Dan 12:4 ... shut up the book until the end times) and I'm not bothered by more recent understandings are now different. God is the revealer of mysteries... but the proper interpretation still seems controversial. I'm kind of a pan-trib guy ... it'll all pan out in the end, but due to what's coming, we should all watch and warn/proclaim as stated. Pre-trib and a later return with Christ back to Earth would be great, but I know God is just and will protect His own too ... however that turns out. Be ready for any outcome in terms of how we're protected. And I agree ... no more prophecies need to come true before Christ's return and we are told to look up and be ready, and for sure the judgments of the Great Tribulation have NOT occurred yet ... as can be proven by their severity (hasn't happened) and the 'meta tauta' term in Revelation which prescribes exact order of the judgments ... Even if events in the past might be rationalized to be one of the judgments, the others didn't happen first (yet) nor were any of those events followed by the other prescribed judgments. One MUST complete BEFORE the next begins ... there is no parallelism when the "and then" comes from the greek "meta tauta". See you there! Somewhere!
Dhruvi Parmar on 2007 PredictionsThat is good post you have presented here.
Roy on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?The pyramids are not older than Adam according to the Bible’s timeline of around 6000yrs. The pyramids are 4500 years old. Secondly the evidence they have bought forward is still not conclusive. Many scientists are disputing the fossil fuels bought forward to say there were cave men and that we evolved from apes.
Alicia Brantley on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?A parable of Jotham Judges 9:8-15 `The trees (Gentile nations) have diligently gone to anoint over them a king, and they say to the olive, Reign thou over us. And the olive saith to them, Have I ceased from my fatness, by which they honour gods and men, that I have gone to stagger over the trees? The olive tree represents Spiritual Life of Israel—-Their privilege/access to God. I Kings 6:23,31,33. Jer 11:16. Ps 52:8. Rom 11:17. And the trees say to the fig, Come thou, reign over us. And the fig saith to them, Have I ceased from my sweetness, and my good increase, that I have gone to stagger over the trees? ` The fig tree represents the religious life of Israel—-their own effort/works. Gen 3:7 Matt 24:32—this verse is mistaught as the fig tree being national Israel, making people think the Trib will commence within a “generation” of 1948. Wrong! In Matt 21:19-20 Jesus basically says the religious life of Israel is barren. The Old Covenant withered away never to return—replaced with new. Antichrist attempts to resuscitate the old —Dan 8 Matt 24:32 is describing the revival of temple worship (religious life) when covenant is made with Antichrist! Luke 12: And the trees say to the vine, Come thou, reign over us. And the vine saith to them, Have I ceased from my new wine, which is rejoicing gods and men, that I have gone to stagger over the trees? The vine is national Israel. Ps 80:6. Is 5:1-7, John 15:1-6 most expositors mix up this John passage and take the vine here to be spiritual Israel but it’s national. And all the trees say unto the bramble, Come thou, reign over us. And the bramble saith unto the trees, If in truth ye are anointing me for king over you, come, take refuge in my shadow; and if not -- fire cometh out from the bramble, and devoureth the cedars of Lebanon. The bramble is apostate Israel. This parable illustrates the refusal of the first three trees to function in the position God gave them. Instead apostate Israel rises to rule in the form of the men of Shechem over Abi elect etc.!
Xavier on Psalm 83: Not A Middle East War Prophecy?I know this article is 7 years old but it is still relevant. Nicely argued, Tim. Absolutely true. Is Isaiah 17 a parallel passage? Don't know. It is prophetic of a massive rout of Israel and says that only a remnant will be left. That is horrible. Maybe that happens before the lost tribes of Israel come flooding in to repopulate the land. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. XZ 2022
Ray on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?Good point
Peter on Paul — The False Apostle?One must consider for a moment the scenario of Paul so called conversion story. Paul a very much alive Jew conversing with a very much deceased Jew Jesus. Dead I might add for a couple of years at this point. Communicating with the dead and having ongoing divine revelations would be equated with witchcraft and sorcery and would have been punishable by death. in Judaism according to Deuteronomy .18: That being said Paul therefore is an Apostle by his own will not the will of Jesus. 10Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritualist or who consults the dead. 12Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. 13You must be blameless before the Lord your God. This is also the reason he was rejected by the Jewish-Christians in the province of Asia. This is also the reason he because the Apostle to the Gentiles ,Pagans etc as their spiritual views were heavily influenced by the supernatural and therefore be open to the premise of his conversion.story.
Jeff H on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?Just curious - has it occurred to any of us that maybe Christ intended this complex riddle to NOT be completely unlocked/solved - in order to hopefully extinguish self-righteous opinions/“answers” of individuals/churches/denominations - which DIVIDE His sheep ?? Then, we can ALL awake and with Godly FEAR focus and warn/proclaim the suddenness of the soon arrival of God’s righteous judgement of the earth and mankind - as plainly defined in Matt. 24:37 & Luke 17:26-29, (with prolonged, sufficient and perfect prior warnings- as Noah preached for decades with the greatest object lesson ever 🙂 . Also we can certainly ALL agree that every single prophecy given in the Bible as a sign of the return of Christ has now been fulfilled. SO, He is not only figuratively but now literally on our doorsteps!! Preach that with fear and trembling through the power of the Spirit ya’ll and let’s be active participants in the Lord’s final HARVEST! ????
Daniel on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?My simpler calculations seem to agree with those you presented. Mine (sort of): - 1. Jesus born in 6BC (Jonathan Cahn) 2. Jesus began His ministry at age of 30 (Luke 3:23) (i). Year Jesus began His ministry, 24 AD 3. Jesus' ministry lasted for 3 and a half years until His crucifixion (i). 24 AD + 3.5 years = 28.5 AD 4. Plus 2000 year dispensation takes us to 2028. (i) 2028 for the return of the Lord, 6 years away. Also, if a bible generation is by chance 80 years (Ps 90:10), then 80 years from 1948 is 2028. And, by what things we see happening in the world in this year 2022, it just may be!?
Fidelis on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?NaSI you tried,but you got alot of things wrong.i'm the male both a king and a priest and a's i the father call david in ezikiel..i am not a weak link.i am a God carrier and carrier of is glory.christ is the glory.i have the seven spirit of God like jesus.see isaiah's i.i am to accomplish the other parts of isaiah 53 and the prophecies,being one with jesus and the father.i will go to jerusalem at the time appointed,even on the day of her trouble when the nations shall invade jerusalem.that very day is the day of the lord.i will build the temple that very day by the word of authority from my month and not by hand and cause a river to flow from it..get ready to see God in human form that more than you people expert.i the lord is here already.yeah shaking the economic of the earth..i am not an ordinary prince has you writting of me in psalm 45 and all over the scriptures being one with jesus.i thought paul said one is made the image of the son!
Susan on Michael Rood Comes for an Unexpected VisitThere are a lot of hypocrites out there with websites naming false prophets and berating the good works of many of God’s servants. These people may receive a worse punishment for publishing their assumptions. And God's prophets are not to be mocked. It is 2022 and God's prophets are strong in agreement.
Susan on Michael Rood Comes for an Unexpected VisitWell, it's 2022 now, and I must comment that I learned a lot from Michael Rood through the years. God has used him in some amazing ways through the years, and I think it is because Michael always put in the effort. And he gave Ron Wyatt full credit for all his accomplishments. Michael just pointed out to me how amazing God is. I donated to his heart surgery, and was saddened that he had a stroke. I also had one about the same time. God loves Michael.
Bootz on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?The woman w child and 12 stars above her head and moon at her feet is a sign in the stars of Virgo...It will be a sign from Gen 1:14 he made sun moon and stars for light..for signs..for seasons and for days and years.. Satan likes to mimic what God has created..this is mot the Zodiac of satan..this is biblical prophecy playing out in the stars...God specifically mentions pleeuhdese. Orion..orions belt..and the bear in the word of God..the male child in rev is a sign given by God in the Virgo rises in early morning..the moon at her feet and the 12 stars above her head..the zodiac literally is the story of the messiah in the sky...God is so good
Bootz on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?The guilt offering is what was done at the cross..the burnt..peace..and grain r thanksgiving offerings to the worship Him as this pleases Him...the sin offering is not like the guilt offering which is not mentioned in ezek...the sin offering is an offering made for unintentional or unknown sins...if we lack knowledge of our sin we r not held again the sin offering had nothing to do with the blood...the offerings r fir Gods pleasure and us to worship Him...
Bootz on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?I dont know..bc God is telling Ezek how the offerings should be done..i dont think he would do that for a kingdom set up for Satan
Bootz on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?Jesus is not going stag..the church is His bride
Bootz on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?Ezek 45:8 says the princes are the tribal leaders..
Bootz on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?Dan is not listed as a tribe in revelation...
Martin Jacson on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?You can not possibly add these numbers in consecutive order ( 1260 + 1290 + 1335 ). The 1290 days are anchored to MID 70th week ( Dan. 12:11 ). Also the 1335 are implied the great Tribulation: "blessed is he who waiteth..the 1335 days ( Dan. 12:12 ). We allready know the Great Tribulation is pegged to MID 70th from Matt. 24:21. The first half of the 70th must be counted approximately because it is not given to us in days: "in the midst" = 3 1/2 years, or 3.52, 3.49 etc. So we also see the seven years is approximate: 1260 + 1335 days= 7.21 years.
Andrew Steinmann on How Long Was Jesus’ Ministry?The statement that John 6:4 does not appear in an early manuscript is mistaken. The verse is missing is Aland number 472 and a few others from that era. The date of the writing of 472 is the 13th century (AD 1301-1400). This is a fairly late manuscript. All of the earlier manuscripts going back to the earliest known manuscripts of John (including third century papyri) contain John 6:4. There is no evidence for omitting the following Passovers mentioned by John based on a few relatively late manuscripts: 1. John 2:13, 23 2. John 6:4 3. John 11:55 In addition, there is an unnamed feast at John 5:1 (probably Tabernacles, but perhaps Ingathering/Pentecost), making at least full year between #1 and #2 above. Tabernacles (John 7:2), Dedication/Hannukah (John 10:22) are also mentioned, making at least a full year between #2 and #3 above. This means that if you take John seriously you have time before the first Passover (John 1:1-2:12) and at least 3 Passovers or about 2.5 years. In addition, the Synoptic Gospels have another spring (which means another Passover; see Matt 12:1; Mark 2:23; Luke 6:1). Nearly every competent scholar believes this is an additional spring, since there is too much activity of Jesus before and after this spring to make this either the first or second Passover mentioned by John. That means there are FOUR springs with FOUR Passovers during Jesus's ministry requiring about 3.5 years. You cannot make a one-year ministry based on an extremely tenuous and tendential reading of Daniel 9 alone (i.e., once you can eliminate the nonsense about John 6:4 not being in an early manuscript). Please quit spreading misinformation and vague statements about "early manuscripts."
Brad on Paul — The False Apostle?Did you just say " Paul preached endless religous arguments." Thats one of the main things He condemned dissensions and fruitless carnal disputings. I've got a reality check for all who doubt Paul. God's people know that Paul was the Lord's most useful servant, God took his formidable training and his fanatical zeal and made the very instrument for getting the good news known throughout the Gentile world. We wouldn't know nearly as much about the real Christ if not for Paul. If one can't look at his life and see what he did and said and wrote and conclude that he was a true apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ then that person obviously falls into the category of those whom the Father is going to destroy by sending strong delusion. I cant think of much that should make a Christian go into a rage. Its the current fad to doubt Paul for 3 main reasons. 1. Feminists hate him because he wrote " That wifes should submit to they're husbands, and women are to be silent in the church. 2. Homosexuals hate him because He wrote the Lord's prohibitions against them. 3. Prejudice Jews hate him because he told us that God has grafted the gentiles into real Israel.
hi inseel on Daniel 9:27 Explained: Who Makes Which Covenant?Just a point on where you state that the NT mostly follows the LXX. That is not accurate. It actually follows the Aramaic Peshitta - always. Although it is the Greek NT that is the translation and not the Peshitta.
Shannon on How Long Was Jesus’ Ministry?GOOD FRIDAY WAS ON WEDNESDAY The year/ week Jesus was crucified, there was a “special HIGH Sabbath (Feast of tabernacles)midweek the week of the crucifixion“ …the phrase HIGH sabbath leans to something ‘more holy like the way we look at Christmas these days… and it was on Wednesday, It was not the regular every week Friday Sabbath. Jesus was crucified on that Wednesday hi Holi-Holiday Sabbath and that also explains how he spent 3 three days and three nights. There is no possible way that Friday sundown to Sunday sun up is three days and three nights. Wednesday was a special Sabbath that year if you check the calendars… The real Calendar. IMHO Sabbath Luke 23:54 4521 sabbath most places 3957
Brian on How Long Was Jesus’ Ministry?It is on the web archive here
Pranaya Mathur on When Elijah Comes, What Will He Be Wearing?flannel and jeans? fruits, vegetables and wild game?
Moi Meme on How Long Was Jesus’ Ministry?Shalom, Ellis and everyone! I believe may answer your question: May we be faithful to Yeshua - not to any other. Blessings, dear ones!
Moi Meme on How Long Was Jesus’ Ministry?Please take a look at this, especially the exhortation on the last page (article is only three pages long): Blessings, dear ones!
Mark Webb on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?I believe that the entire Tribulation Period is 7 years total with the Great Tribulation being the last half....Fist off, there has to be a third from the very get go that is in place that would not only permit the sacrifices to begin again but they can only stop after they have begun...If you study anything about the Romanian Prophet Dumitru Duduman, He makes the statement that America is completely destroyed by Russia and this is said to be something that takes place right after a peace treaty ( when they shall say Peace and Safety ) is signed by a world leader, the AC... This is the sudden destruction that the Bible tells us about in which THEY ( America, Mystery Babylon ) WILL NOT ESCAPE!!!....This all makes so much perfect sense as the elites want the dollar to crash so they can force their system of a NWO on everyone which is what they have always wanted from the very beginning....Russia, being the King of the North, will be able to do this because of many spies that have found out where all the main missile Silos are... Now if the destruction of some 200 million Ppl isn't enough to cause the start of the Tribulation , a period like NO OTHER, then I don't know what is...If your not familiar with Dumitru Duduman, He was shown everything by the Angel Gabriel after smuggling for many years, some 300,000 Bibles into eastern block countries and being imprisoned many times and being beaten and electrocuted so badly that He lost ALL of his hearing....Could He ( Dumitru Duduman ) be a false prophet you ask?... Well I'm 56 years old and don't know of anyone that has smuggled even 100 Bibles into Eastern block countries or for that matter, anywhere in the world.....Also He would be shown just exactly how to get them there without always getting caught ( as he would get caught whenever He wouldn't pray over it as much so this led Him and others who where helping Him to do this, to do these 5 and 6 day prayer and fasting sessions....Once again, I don't know of anyone that has ever brought so many Bibles into other parts of the world and would pray and fast for 5 or 6 days straight....No wonder He was chosen to witness to so many toward the end of His life....Also with America being taken out at the very beginning of the 7 years, that would take Israel's protector out of the way so they would have to go back to totally depending on God.....I'm sure that a peace treaty could also include an agreement to rebuild the third temple as the AC will be given many, many powers...But there could be a slicing up of God' s Holy land that causes this to take place...
geir k stolen on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?I agree that the great tribulation is not seven years. According to Matthew 24, the great tribulation starts after the abomination that causes desolation is set up in the holy place, the temple of God in Jerusalem (2 Tess. 3:2-4) which will happen at the end of the first 3/12 years . And it seems to me , according to scripture, it will be short, not all of the latter 3 1/2 years. What I see as far as timing and sequences is this: The antichrist in the temple at the midpoint of the seven years. the great tribulation breaks out, is extremely intense, but short. Immediately thereafter, the sun goes dark and the moon like blood, immediately thereafter the angels collect the elect (the rapture). On that day, the day of the Lord starts and God's judgement is metered out for the duration of the last 3 1/2 yer period. At the end of the 3 1/2 years, Christ comes back with all his holy ones to reign for a thousand years.
Joshua David... call me David on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?Revelation 2:26-29
Donna on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?The church is the bride of Christ.
toddott on Help For Angry or Depressed PretribbersI know this is an old post, but... Jesus said when you see the abomination that causes desolation flee to the mountains. This was fulfilled in the first century, but it is a pattern and type of the end times. When we see the abomination that causes desolation, there IS a mountain we can flee to. It is one that Daniel speaks of. It will crush the feet of the image and it will crumble to dust. Our safety is in Christ.
Valentine Savage on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?Hi Gordon - Isaiah is referring to Jesus isn't it
Tim McHyde on “Pray that your flight not be…on the Sabbath day”?Melissa, Hebrew Roots teaches "sabbath from creation" but if you look carefully, the first mention of Sabbath is not until Ex 16 and no saint before then is ever described as keeping Sabbath. In Genesis, it only says God set apart "the 7th day", not the sabbath day. It was not a sabbath yet back then for anyone, but yes God did set it apart for rest which the sabbath day command drew upon later. Remember, Sabbath was given for them to keep the holy land holy unike the previous inhabitants who had to be vomited out. It was not a moral command for all mankind outside the holy land. It will be a day of worship for all man according to Isaiah 66:23 but that's after Jesus comes back to restore all things.
Melissa on “Pray that your flight not be…on the Sabbath day”?The sabbath was given way before Moses. It was a gift given to Adam and Eve during creation week. It is not a Mosaic law only thing. It is not just for jews but a day for all of mankind to rest and worship their creator.
Kevin gibson on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?This is true. Jesus' ministry lasted for 69 weeks.s great.portion of the ,70 weeks in Daniel. Jesus' put an end to.animal sacrifice and in the middle of the week became the sacrifice the lamb of god ? Jesus' had to be in the tomb for,3 full days then God redirected him after the ,,3 full days were finished
Tim McHyde on Would God Allow His Bride to Go Through the Great Tribulation (And Why)?David, Rev 16:15 is a parenthetical verse interjecting a present warning to the reader. Good Bible versions like NIV show this properly with indentation and/or quotation. The 144,000 are definitely the future, not the past. But also no first fruits have been harvested yet. They are in the grave and awaiting the resurrection. The 144,000 are being labeled as part of them. There's nothing inconsistent about that.
Gordon on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?Comment on the Prince of ezekiel and our Lord Jesus. The scripture where Ezekiel is commissioned Ezekiel 3 to go speak to a people of a strange speech and of a hard language verse3-6 states . Not to many people of strange speech and a hard language whose thou canst not understand. The scripture that also says he is sent to a nation he does not know could this be the Prince? Also something to think about Elijah and Elisha two completely different people same spirit. The Lord Jesus and The Prince same spirit. Something else to think on . Our Lord Jesus is totally unique there is only one born without sin also only one who is virgin born. This whole exercise is to restore fellowship back to as it was in the garden. Now the Lord Jesus is the only object of worship every knee shall bow every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Son of David the Prince The Anointed One chosen and born to fulfill what is written will rule for 1000 years with a rod of iron. He also will worship the one God the Lord Jesus. The restarting of the sacrifice i see the millennium as the day of rest. Therefore it has been 6000 years or six days the seventh day is the millennium. Because prior to the offering of the sacrifice there was only the law then no one received the promise as it is written I AM the truth the light salvation only through the Lord Jesus. Therefore the millennium is a grace period for the chosen of Israel to accept the gospel. After the millennium the eighth day there will be another cleansing for those who reject ending with the white throne judgement.
David Gosselin on Would God Allow His Bride to Go Through the Great Tribulation (And Why)?Hi Tim, your stuff is really good. I have 1 question, who is Jesus speaking to in Rev.16:15? If the church is removed after the "Great Tribulation" why would he tell the unsaved wrath recipients to keep their "robes"? The unsaved have no robes. 1 other thing, the 144K have come and gone, Rev.14 says they are the "first fruits" not the last. Acts 10 tells us when the 70th week ended.
Paul Loya on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?Don't know who you are but God has giving you a spiritual insight that few have,
Jean on Do We Need To “Forsake All” (Like Jesus Said)?I'm still as confused as when I asked my question about giving up all in order to be a disciple of Jesus. I am amazed that so many can come to different conclusions on the same subject. God bless all of us seekers of the truth.
unibokk on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?Jesus says that the great tribulation will begin when the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, is seen standing in the holy place. 15When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 17Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 18Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. 19And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! 20But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: 21For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Jimmy on Do We Need To “Forsake All” (Like Jesus Said)?Its interesting to hear of someone who was willing to get rid of everything they own because they felt it was required to follow Jesus. To walk naked and homeless thru life has to be the greatest challenge. On the other hand, I have to question the literality of the cimmand for such when other scripture Jesus says if you have two coats, give one to the brother in need. Of course if that meaning is taken literally thru and thru, Then one should only possess 1 of anything. One fork, one knife, one spoon. Or, I suppose Jesus full well was exactly who He said He was. A man funtioning in the world as a man, speaking to others in the language of the day using the language of the day with wisdom and knowledge to impart meaning and understanding.
Denise Jewett on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?He said that the generation that witnesses Israel’s restoration will not “pass until my return.” I was trying to find where this Passage is in the Bible
pete on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?It's nice to see this blog still going. We're so close to the final tribulation that I'll just point folks to the and mention the book of truth is now open (mostly daniel 11) - sealed until the end but promised to clarify all the numbers so HIS people can prepare for departure. Good blog, thanks for allowing my post.
Kellie on Safest Place in the USA from WormwoodWhat about the people who didn’t live a life filled with the knowledge of a true God? Or have fallen away from believing in a God because of the traumatic experiences they went through life? I have so many questions and feel so lost. I am just now starting to research everything cause I didn’t know what to believe in or think. It feels as though my mind isn’t my own, if that makes sense?. Sorry for bugging you. And thank you for your time. ?
Tim McHyde on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?According to the church fathers, the ministry was "about one year."
Paul Slijker on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?Exactly! Show me one place in the book of Revelation where people repent. You won't find a single incident. On the contrary, every time a plague is poured out, rather than repent, people curse and blaspheme God!
Paul Slijker on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?And explain how they know when a jubilee year is since there is absolutely no record of Israel ever keeping the jubilee!
Paul Slijker on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?Part of the prophecy also includes the fact that Christ's ministry was 3.5 years and it was cut off mid week!
sassiebrat on Do We Need To “Forsake All” (Like Jesus Said)?Read what Yeshua said AFTER he told the young man to sell everything. He said that with God all things are possible. So, the rich young man could be saved by God's grace even if he couldn't or wouldn't sell everything he owned. Or, God may have put it on this young man's heart and changed the man's mind so he could sell everything! It's all in God's hands!
Lukasz Stanczuk on Is “Prophet” Tom Deckard a True or False Prophet?Identity crisis by Jim stayley.
Darin on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?God created the earth with age...meaning the vegetation, the first animals, the rocks, etc. This is also why he created Adam and Eve as fully grown adults, and not infants. All of the man-made dating techniques that have been devised are fruitless attempts to try to outsmart an infinite, omniscient, and Almighty Creator. When "science" agrees / proves what is contained in God's Word, it's true...when it does not, it is false.
Tim cox on How Long Was Jesus’ Ministry?If this post is still open, I would like to interject a question. If anyone reading these posts still believes in the possibility of a 3+ year ministry, then what JOB was Christ performing for that time? ........................As the Torah plainly states "6 days shall you labor". It does not say or imply that you MAY work as much as 6 days as long as you "take off" on the 7th. (although some translations take liberty with the imperative tense of the original Hebraic wording allowing for a "MAY work" tense) Answer: Christ's ministry began in the 49th year... A Sabbath year, the 49th year, a Sabbath year precisely. This was followed by the 50th year "Jubilee". Both years, according to Torah (Leviticus 25:8-15) no work was to be performed. Now, if you are with me, consider this; Christ's ascension was in a "JUBILEE YEAR". His return to Earth to begin THE "millennial" reign should likewise be in a "JUBILEE YEAR". Just refer to what Jubilee meant in the referenced passages. If that convinces us that "He" will return on Jubilee, which Jubilee year will it be? May I suggest the 40th Jubilee? If that reasoning is correct, then we are 7, 8, 9, or possibly 10 years from HIS return. Why the 4 possible years? Although our calendar says 2020, we know that our dates are off a bit. How? Because through other historical documents we have been able to understand that "Herod the Great" (not actually great) who sought to exterminate the "Messiah" who may have been born up to 2 years prior to his death proclamation, most likely died in 1BC. This means that our calendar is most likely at least 3 years behind or possibly 4 but maybe only 2. I will allow you to do the rest of the math and consider you own belief in the timing of the "rapture" of the church. But I will say "Look up and be watchful for our redemption is drawing nigh"
Tonya on How Long is the Great Tribulation: 7 years or 3½?The bible states 3 1/2 years, Great Tribulations period.
Dani on Daniel 9:27 Explained: Who Makes Which Covenant?Tim, Much has happened since this blog and many posts. We needed to wait for the book of truth to be opened to see how many of the verses in Daniel 11 lead to the abomination of desolation. We're there now. Most won't accept new information (wine) just like our LORD was not received by the establishment but HE tests us this way to see who is really waiting and watching as in only half of the ten virgins were diligent. Thanks for writing and allowing this post.
Joseph on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?It is David.... Reminded because memory does not work that way when you are reincarnated. I definitely needed to be reminded. Lol Also Moses = David
Paul A Wright on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?I am he,the Prodigal Son of God, God shall bear witness of that with me. Please explain your point on that.
Izalle Clark on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?What if it's satan..I think it's Joseph Genesis remember the dream he had
Roy on Psalm 83: Not A Middle East War Prophecy?Best to keep our eyes open maybe new things will not be as we always think
Rita Hanson on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?This has been a fun thread. I found the answer on two other websites. God has always promised Israel a descent in the line of David will always rule. We know the Prince isn't Jesus because of the verses mentioned about him offering sacrifices for himself, and the verses about giving land to his sons. The Prince will be a real human descendent of the line of King David. From Jack Kelley's website. see below. (I also found same answer on an "Ask a rabii site". They (rabiis) even have more supporting verses. Question: Ezekiel 48:21mentions the property belonging to the “prince”, who is the prince? Answer: The “prince” is first mentioned in Ezekiel 34:24 where it appears to refer to David, although David had been dead for 400 years when Ezekiel wrote this. Then in Ezekiel 37:24 God had Ezekiel say that David will be their king, but in Ezekiel 37:25 He said David will be their prince forever. Ezekiel 44:3 says only the prince can use the East Gate. Ezekiel 45:7 tells us the prince will be given land surrounding the property of the Holy City and the Temple. In Ezekiel 45:15-16 the people of Israel are commanded to give the prince portions of their wheat, barley and oil, and one sheep for every 200, which he will use for the mandatory offerings. Finally, we get clues that the prince of Ezekiel 48:21 is a human in his natural state. We know this because he will have to offer sacrifices for his own sins (Ezekiel 46:12) and will give gifts to his sons for their inheritance (Ezek. 46:16). Put it all together and it appears the verses that refer to David as their King speak of the Lord, and those that refer to David as their prince describe a succession of human descendants of David’s who will govern Israel in a subordinate role to the Lord. Remember, the Lord promised David that both his house and his throne would endure forever (2 Sam. 7:16). His house refers to his descendants, a succession of princes. His throne is the one upon which Jesus will reign over the house of Jacob forever (Luke 1:31-33).
Bill on What A Bizarre Email Reveals On Christian JudgmentHi Tim, You have mentioned that you have had dreams that point to 2022 as a significant year. About 4 weeks ago I had a vivid dream that went like the following. I was in a room and Jesus bathed in a bright light came floating into the room. I felt his overpowering aura in the dream. He communicated something about 700 days and 1100 days. By calculation the 700th day would be March 24, 2022. Through some research I found that we are supposed to have a supernova about that time. The 1100 days would either be 1100 days from the day of the dream or 1100 from the 700 day mark. I was wondering if any of this makes any sense to you or seems to be similar to the dream you had?
Tim McHyde on Michael Rood Comes for an Unexpected VisitHoward, we all have good and bad and Rood still has things he is learning and sharing that are worthwhile.
Howard Robinson on Michael Rood Comes for an Unexpected VisitTim -- Are you still a support of Michael Rood? I find the Jonah code and feast teaching a must for all Christians, but just learning about some of the past issues on the last few weeks. Always been a big support of your works -- thanks, Howard
S-wordlike on Is Jesus the “Prince” of Ezekiel 40-48?The book titled "ENIGMATIC SUNRISE" on google will take you to amazon. The book speaks in detail concerning this prince and reveals much about him. Even as that man-child, the son of man, and the hidden one, hid in the shadow of his hand and in his quiver. (Isa.49:2KJV) And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand hath (he hid me,) and made me a polished shaft (an arrow;) in his quiver hath (he hid me.) He is the (rider/hidden arrow) on the white steed, with a bow with no arrow (the rider is the hidden arrow coming out of His quiver.) (Rev.6:2KJV) And behold a white horse: and he that sat upon him had a bow; and crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering and to conquer. In the book he (the prince) is also revealed as the conquer/overcomer; and also many other flattering names and titles are given him, for he is surnamed (meaning in the Hebrew vernacular given many flattering names and titles.) (Isa.45:4KJV) I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. He is called Israel in (Isa.49:3KJV.) Which is a hidden way of revealing the prince, for the man Israel is named prince (in scripture) and an individual is being called the servant in this verse/passage. (Isa.49:3KJV) And he said unto me, thou art my servant O Israel (prince,) in whom I will be glorified. You can "look inside" the book ("ENIGMATIC SUNRISE") and read almost all of its contents without purchasing it. It never sold well but the concepts might have been difficult for the majority to understand. This sight was a blessing when I first discovered it last month. It lined-up almost to the tee with what the book sought to reveal, but in further detail as the book is discussing more on the subject matter. Many of your comments were very articulate and well thought-out. I was very encouraged to read the thought of those of you who are not so mindset in the concepts others are teaching. Those who have a tendency to follow and regurgitate the words/thinking of others just because it's established as a set truth is not always the scriptural hypothesis . Than if this tendency be so, it isn't correct at all if it doesn't line-up with the Word. For the Word never contradicts itself. The book was published in 2006.
Tim McHyde on New Jerusalem – No Gentile Gate? + Rom 11 Olive Tree – Israel?Sheeka, I'll believe Scripture like Revelation 21:14 over oral tradition or your opinion.
Sheeka on New Jerusalem – No Gentile Gate? + Rom 11 Olive Tree – Israel?There were NOT twelve apostles there were only 5 according to Oral tradition and backed by the fact there are only 4 gospels. Israel are the oracles of God according to Paul. Meaning their culture and laws are TMH's not jewishness especially second temple Judaism. Israel serves as a pilot group for TMH and married Him Ex. 24. Has God forgotten his people...God FORBID. Both the Torah and Christ are referred to in the Tanakh and Brit Hadasha as The WAY, The TRUTH, the light. The law is NOT a salvation issue. Salvation is given by Faith (Hebrews 11) Faith without works is DEAD (James 2) we learn from the 10 commandments how to deal with God and our brothers and sisters. The subsequent laws expound on how to keep them. Acts 5:32 says the spirit is given to those who OBEY. Obedience is the fruit and maturation of the believer. Obedience is better than sacrifice. TMH tells Israel that he doesn't want their sacrifices if they dont follow his will. In Deut and Jeremiah the circumcision of the heart is a command to Obedience.
Rogate Mshana on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?Friends, Science indicate that humans have existed for only the last 2.5 million years. We also know the age of the Earth. How is 6000 years after Adam ( The first human being) compare with reality? Why is Israel at the centre of everything when the history of the Eastern societies were there? God created the whole world , not only Israel.
David on How Long Was Jesus’ Ministry?Not sure how I got my reply wrong. Link was just above
Tim McHyde on How Long Was Jesus’ Ministry?David, Can you be specific? I don't see a broken link in the post above.
David on How Long Was Jesus’ Ministry?Link doesn't work.
James on Mark of the Beast: Literal or Sunday Worship?Excellent point Tim. Enjoy your thoughts, education, understanding and enlightening others.
Tim McHyde on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?PJ, go to for great answers on dating the age of the earth.
PJ on Already Past 6000 Years Since Adam?There are time dated human paintings on cave walls 35,000 years ago. How do you explain this with a 6-10,000 year ago human start per the Bible?
Proctor on When Elijah Comes, What Will He Be Wearing?First of all, your statement that the two witness do not literally have fire coming from their mouth is a total assumption, and one that is observably baseless. When you look at the story of Elijah, fire literally devours the men with their captains, twice. Same with many other stories. There is no basis for the over spiritualization that you and many others remain proponents for. I sincerely believe that this ignorant view of things will cast itself as an unnecessary stumbling block for new believers that will unfortunately lead some astray or will push them away from the truth due to its confusing and uncorroborating storyline. Tim is right. Approaching the book of revelations as some mystical and arcane text that few can understand and is majorly allegorical is counterproductive and unsolicited. Please, reconsider your ways.
Proctor on When Elijah Comes, What Will He Be Wearing?There is no reason to believe in this obscure, secretive understanding of Revelations and specifically the two witnesses. If you notice in Rev. 11:4, they are directly linked with Zechariah chapter 4, and this is directly identified as two people, spiritually speaking, Joshua and Zerubbabel. This is garnered from the context of Zechariah. Assuming that they represent two separate groups is not only an assumption, but one that doesn't make sense. In the OT, the cherubims in the temple were made out of Olive tree. It is more likely that the two witnesses are actually angels sent to earth, which fits perfectly with Revelations, Ezekiel and Zechariah. Much more than this supposition that they are some large ambiguous group of people. The only beings that are written to stand by/before the Lord are angels. Also, your reasoning for arguing that the two bodies are really one, and thus two groups, is fallacious. If it is singular in regards to individuals, it is also singular in regards to groups and thus cannot work likewise. Finally, there doesn't seem to be any evidence for your claim that the original word implies a singular understanding. Any sources for this claim?
Tim McHyde on When Elijah Comes, What Will He Be Wearing?Lila, yes there are a few figurative passages like you cited in Revelation but don't let that trick you: the book is just as literal as any other book and missing this and approaching it allegorically is the biggest reason the book has been sealed until the 21st century.
Prairie on How Long Was Jesus’ Ministry?Monte Judah believes the book of Hebrews should be torn from your bible.